Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pencil in April 14th

For what it's worth, we have an actual date of delivery scheduled for the twins: April 14th. Assuming they actually cooperate and wait that long, that would make the them just over 36 weeks "old." They could be expected to be about six pounds by that time, which is smaller than the Burke-typical 8+, but is a very respectable weight for a twin.

The babies are in the 60th (girl) and 70th (boy) percentile for growth so far. The doctor said they are developing very well. One of their heads is a little smaller than the other but the doctor said that was nothing to worry about.

Some pictures follow below (scroll down), and as usual you can see just about all our pictures at our Flicker site.

A short video of the actual ultrasound. Only true pregnancy geeks need click. Much of it is unrecognizable as human, although you do get to see an unmistakably Orwig face or two and hear some heartbeats.

Grace's reaction when she saw it: "Is that a monster?"

I explained that it was video of the babies, but she looked doubtful.

An Orwig face in profile.

Geri (whose last name I won't use here), the wonderful woman who is carrying the twins. We couldn't ask for a better person to do this for us. Geri is a smart, successful full-time working mother of three.

Geri and her husband Jeremy. Jeremy is a hard-working and supportive father and husband. As a tall, athletic, highly social outdoorsman, Jeremy is pretty much my opposite, but I like him a lot. Doesn't he look like a guy you would want looking out for the woman who is carrying your son and daughter?

Geri and Jeremy are high school sweethearts just like Sarah and me.

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