Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Comments About Comments

I'm getting feedback that people are reading the blog but are unwilling/unable to leave comments. If you've got something to say that you would like everyone to read, please, leave comments. Here are the most common reasons people have given for not posting:

"Everyone will be able to read what I post"

True. In fact, that's the idea. If you have something private to say, then you should stick to the old fashioned, much more personal way: email.

"I don't have a Google (Gmail) account."

You don't need one. Well, you don't need one to post (you really do need one because Gmail is totally cool and everyone has a Gmail address - even Microsoft fanboys like me are using them now). As you can see from the picture, at the bottom of the list (circled in red) you have the option of signing your post with just your name. You can even make up a name if you want.

"I don't want to post my name on a public forum."

True, there are evil 'bots searching the Internet all the time harvesting names. Without an email address that name is pretty worthless, but if it makes you uncomfortable just click the little "anonymous" circle and leave off the name altogether.

"I don't want people to know I associate with you."

Well, Mom, I can't help that, can I? Just use the anonymous option.

So go ahead. Click on the "[x] Comments" link below and join in!


Scott Orwig said...

This is a post left by Scott while logged with his totally cool Gmail account. You don't need a Gmail account to post, but you know you want one.

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Scott.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to post without using my name. Some former associates would be a little too eager to reach me and catch up on old times after I spent some time telling others about old times.


Anonymous said...

Eat your vegetables. Wear a warm jacket when you go outside.

Scott Orwig said...

Mom, I know that's you. The new last name isn't fooling anyone. We look alike!